Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jingle all the way

This past weekend I participated in my first race post-vertigo, my first-ever winter race, and my first race dressed in a costume....The Jingle Bell 5K.

I originally wasn't going to do this. After the Great Race in September, I assumed my running events would be over until spring, but then my company gave away 20 free registrations and a co-worker twisted my arm to do it with her (okay that might be a slight exaggeration on my part).

First I was just going to wear a homemade tutu and a Christmas shirt. But in the end, my outfit turned into this...

I found the tights last minute and my friend gave me the gloves before the race. I don't know how I would have managed without either of those considering the temps were in the lower 30s and it was windy.

I saw all kinds of interesting costumes, like this guy, dressed up as the bunny from A Christmas Story...

And these ladies...

There were also plenty of dogs dressed up too. I've never done a Jingle Bell Run but I can definitely say that it is one of the more entertaining and fun 5Ks I've seen.

There were a little over 2,000 people participating and even though it was another walk/run like the Great Race, this one wasn't so congested. The walkers seemed to stay pretty far back and let the runners go first. I was somewhere in the middle since I am nowhere near what you would call a fast runner. I wasn't constantly surrounded by large groups of people and was able to run and keep a steady pace without having to zig zag  around people.

The course was flat, which was a first. I usually wind up in events with hills, lots and lots of hills. I spent the good first couple of miles trying to warm up. I kept blowing on my hands and shaking them to get the blood circulating because they were starting to go numb from the cold. I had cotton in my ears due to have an off-and-on ear ache since the day before. The last thing I needed was to get worse from a 5k race.

At around mile 2, I finally warmed up. I felt a little cold, but my hands were now getting so hot I almost took off my gloves. I still do the walk/run thing. I finished around 40 min with a 14 min mile pace. I figure all that matters is that I am out there and I am still lapping everyone sitting on the couch, and considering I hadn't run at all in a month and before that I had only run occasionally since my vertigo stopped, I think I did pretty well.

I have definitely fallen off the wagon as far as eating right and exercising goes. That is definitely something I have to get back to. I'm scared to even get on my scale at this point. I may just break it! LOL

I have another winter event coming up. In February a few of my friends and I are doing Running Outta Our Mines which is an underground 5k in a renovated mine. So, that gives me a couple of months to hit the pavement (or at least the treadmill) and see what happens.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

What's your motivation?

People have asked me how I got started with losing weight and getting in shape. Some seem a little disappointed when they realize I have no quick fix, no fad diet, and no special pills. It takes hard work, determination, motivation, and the willingness to fight through the tough times. You need to realize that you will have success but you will also have failures (and many of them!)  So, here are some motivational tips to get you started and hopefully something will "click" and inspire you to GET MOVIN'!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Get Back Up

In Toby Mac's song "Get Back Up" he says:

We lose our way,
We get back up again
It's never too late to get back up again,
One day you will shine again,
You may be knocked down,
But not out forever

That's how I feel today, because I finally did it. After almost 3 months, I made it back to MMA last night. I had a slight panic attack in the car as I sat outside the gym. I wasn't sure how much I'd be able to do. I wasn't sure if one wrong move would cause me to get dizzy or light headed. When you deal with vertigo for as long as I have, even when you begin feeling better, there is this fear that comes over you. Although I have now been 2 weeks vertigo free, I've stayed away from the gym and any intense workouts for fear that something might cause me to have a vertigo attack. It's as if those 2-3 months sucked out my confidence and replaced it with fear. Well, I am proud to say that I destroyed that psychological block last night!

My instructors told me to ease into it and do what I can. They told me they understood if I needed to sit out or wanted to modify things. We began with some squats, 50 jumping jacks, and push ups. I was feeling unsure at first, but once I got through some of the cardio and realized that I was feeling pretty awesome, my confidence began coming back. We moved into some of our combos (various punches/kicks) and I gave it all I had. I really couldn't believe how great I was feeling.

When it came to sparring, my instructor told me he would follow my lead and my pace. We would go as slow and as easy as I needed/wanted to. Well, I killed it. I'm not sure where the energy or stamina came from, but my instructor told me it was as if I had never left. We did about a half hour of sparring and I felt like I could keep going.

At the end of class we did some more cardio: planks, push ups, burpees, sit ups, etc. I struggled a little with the planks and the burpees, but that was nothing new! LOL. Class is an hour and a half and by the end of it, I felt like I could do it all over again.

I definitely gained back my confidence last night. I'm no longer worried that fast movements or bending over is going to make me dizzy. I can now say that I am 100% free from vertigo. I've been told that 90 percent of people who get vertigo, get it again...but I can't worry about that. I'm ready to get back in the game. I'm really looking forward to getting back to the gym this week and maybe some Insanity and PiYo. Yesterday was exactly what I needed to knock down those walls I had built up and find myself again.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Couch to 5K

I have successfully completed week 1 day 1 of the Couch to 5K program. It was fairly easy, all things considering. One day I was feeling light headed but didn't want to have vertigo rule my life anymore so I decided to "suck it up" and get on my treadmill during my lunch break (a perk of working from home!) I actually felt much better afterward.

I could easily feel down about myself that I am having to start running all over again with Couch to 5K, but I won't. I'm just thankful that I am at least well enough to be able to get active again, even if I'm taking baby steps. Some people can't run. Some people don't have the mobility I do. Some people have much more serious health problems than what I've been dealing with, so I choose to be thankful that I can even walk let alone run.

In my last post I mentioned running a relay in the Pittsburgh Marathon. Well, not sure that is happening now. We already lost our hill runner because of personal issues and now our team captain is thinking of running the half himself. Then I started thinking...what if I were to attempt the half? This coming from someone who can't even run an entire 5k yet. I haven't registered yet and won't for a while, because I want to mull this over. I do want to attempt some longer distances in 2015. There is a 7.5 mile trail run I might attempt next June. I chickened out of it this year. I gave my friend the excuse that I had a 5K the next morning which is a pretty lame excuse considering I previously did an obstacle course on a Saturday and then a 5k color run the next morning. :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


It's been so long since I trained and ran an event that I forgot what it feels like in the days after.

I woke up Monday and could barely move. I can't believe how sore I was. I had the day off from work so in the morning I did Day 1 of Couch to 5k at the local trail. That loosened me up until I got home and tried to get out of my car. I hobbled to my front door like an old lady! I actually decided to go to the store and invest in a foam roller to help loosen me up. I contemplated going back to MMA but I was way too sore. I'm hoping to try on Thursday or next Monday. I sure do miss those guys! It's been 2 months since I stepped foot in there and I just know that when I go back it's going to be tough.

Health-wise I am okay. I have gotten a little light headed this week but both times I took just 1/3 of a Mecklizine tablet (the pills they gave me back in August for my vertigo) and then I am as good as new. I will never take a whole one again because of how much it knocks me out. So far, just taking that little piece helps get rid of whatever vertigo is left. Hopefully soon, I won't even need that. :)

My next race is the Pittsburgh Officer's Down 5K in November. Other than that, I have nothing planned so I'll be working on getting back into training and setting some goals for 2015. I have already decided to join a co-worker and some friends from the Facebook group RunJunkees and participate in the 2015 Pittsburgh Marathon as a relay team. We're doing a Superhero theme and our team name is the Runtastic Five. :) I volunteered to take the first leg...5.5 miles. I refuse to do the 3rd or 4th leg both of which are 6 miles and all uphill. My leg seems fairly flat. I may not be running the entire 26.2 miles but I am so excited (and nervous) to be running alongside actual marathoners in an actual marathon! Who knows, maybe it will inspire me to do the half the following year, or maybe the Pittsburgh 10-miler in 2015.

Not sure what other goals I will have for 2015. I heard someone talk about setting birthday goals. Every year on her birthday she sets the goals she would like to meet before her next birthday. My birthday is coming up in November and I am thinking of doing something similar. That way I don't have to wait until the new year. It'll be interesting to see what I come up with. :)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Great Race 5K

Well, this was it. My first event since June (not counting the virtual run I did a couple weeks ago).I actually woke up this morning without any vertigo symptoms. That alone is a miracle. Everyday I seem to wake up with a little light headedness, but it eventually goes away and then it will come and go through the day. It truly is annoying. Yesterday was specifically bad. I even had to miss out on a party I was looking forward to going to and wound up in bed at 7pm.

But this morning was different. I woke up feeling awesome, which is a good thing considering I had to get up at 5am. My cousin picked me up at 6am and we headed into the city where we took a shuttle bus to the start line.

There were 5500 people in the 5K and 10,000 in the 10K. I have never been in a race with so  many people! I'm not the biggest fan of crowds but I figured the crowd would eventually spread out once we got started. There were no corrals so all the 5K runners AND walkers started together. the 10K people began an hour after us.

The first mile was amazing. I think it helped that most of the course is downhill which is new to me. I usually wind up doing events where everything is uphill, so this was a nice change. I ran the entire first mile. I have never been able to run an entire mile, so I thought I'd do great.

Then came mile 2

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Making Hard Decisions

The more I think about it, the more I am thinking that I should probably NOT participate in this weekend's Gladiator Run. Although I have waited all year for this, I'm just not ready. Yesterday I bent over and got a horrible headache and some dizziness. Obviously the symptoms from my vertigo are not completely gone. A friend of mine had vertigo and it took him two and a half months for all the symptoms to end. I have heard similar stories from others. I am about a month and a half into this already. I do feel tons better than before, but I am obviously not at 100%. I hadn't had any symptoms for three days until I tried bending over all the way (bending over to pick things up is actually fine...attempting yoga poses, not so much. LOL)

I'm not worried about the running part of Gladiator. I'm worried about the obstacles. I am wondering whether or not an obstacle might set off some symptoms. I'm not sure how I am going to feel climbing high walls or cargo nets. I dislike heights but I actually love cargo nets; however, I'm worried that being that high and having to look down will cause some dizziness. I'm wondering if the intensity of the course will just be too much for me.

It's also an hour drive to the event and I would be driving by myself. If something does happen and I wind up with some dizziness or light headedness, how the heck am I going to drive an hour to get back home? 

Besides having symptoms from vertigo, I haven't trained in 2 months. I'm not ready for this. I will probably make a last minute decision but right now I am leaning towards not doing it and oddly enough, I actually feel peace about it, although this is something I have looked forward to for months. I finally know how other athletes feel when they're sidelined and have to sit something out that they've been wanting to do. It stinks. But I also have the Pittsburgh Great Race at the end of the month that I really want to do and I would hate to have something happen at the Gladiator Run that might also knock me out of doing the Great Race. Although my running stinks, that is something I can do without having any problems so I plan on doing the Great Race even if it means coming in last because I'm slower than a turtle. :)

Gladiator may have to wait one more year.

Then and Now

Thought you might enjoy a look at my transformation. May not be as huge as some, but I am still pretty darn proud of myself!

Monday, September 15, 2014


This year I traveled overseas for the first time when I embarked on a mission trip to Grand Goave, Haiti. It was truly a life-changing event. It's one thing to see images on a TV screen, but it's quite another to see it all up close and personal. I have decided to go back in 2015 with a church group from Ohio that I met and served alongside side with in Haiti. Below is my Go Fund Me page for those of you who would like to make a donation to my trip. I'm trusting God to open hearts and wallets to this mission. It's so disheartening when you hear stories of people raising $50,000 toward a stupid potato salad recipe (Potato Salad) but you can barely get anyone to donate to a much more worthwhile cause. I can't help but wonder what goes on in the mind of someone as they donate their own money to a potato salad recipe.

But if you feel called to give to a cause that will reach out and help those in need, I hope you will consider my upcoming trip:

2015 Mission Trip to Haiti

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Today is Day 1 of feeling completely normal. Haven't had one episode of vertigo...yet. :)

Yesterday was pretty awesome as well. Although I woke up with some light headedness, it quickly went away and I proceeded to get myself out to the trail and run/walk 3.1 miles. It was a virtual 5k race in honor of 9/11. I've never done a virtual race before but it was just what I needed to push myself. My tush hurt and my legs wanted to give out, but I finished it....and got my first leg cramp afterward. Now that I seem to be getting back to normal, I really need to start eating healthy again. I can't believe I haven't gained any weight these last 2 months considering all the crap I've consumed.

When you're so used to being active, it's hard to spend so much time sidelined and unfortunately it's also hard to get back on track. My pace yesterday stunk and I felt like a slug. But I kept going. I don't expect to do anything spectacular this weekend at the Gladiator Run, but I still plan on kicking some booty. I'm also hoping to be back to MMA and Insanity after that.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I get knocked down but I get up again

Going on a month and half now and I am still experiencing some light headedness, although I do believe it's improving. On Sunday I went to the trail and knocked out a mile. When I got back to my car I actually felt like I could do more. Had one of the best night sleeps in a while that evening. Today I feel like there is a lot less light headedness and hopefully this means it's on the way out. I had an MRI today of my head and ears and it came back NORMAL, praise God! I just wish I knew what was causing this and that it would all just go away. I'm not so sure it is vertigo anymore and if it is, it sure likes to linger! I saw a physical therapist last week who did a funky head maneuver that is supposed to help. He did tell me, "This may feel like it's going to last forever, but it's not." Let's hope so!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

This has been a long month

It's been almost a month since I've had any sort of intense workout. I think I've "run" only 3x. I've missed 3 weeks of MMA and won't be attending next week, but I am going to try to start back the week after next. I've missed 3 group training runs, haven't gone to the gym at all this month, no PiYo...I'm really wondering how I'm going to get back into the groove. I have two events in late September, but don't want to push myself too hard and wind up injured or anything, so I'll be starting out slowly. I'm thinking of maybe just doing a few exercises when watching TV or a movie....push ups, some martial arts, sit ups, etc and working my way up.

In the meantime, since my workouts have been lacking, I've found myself glued to Mystery Science Theater 3000. I began watching them on Netflix and now I am ordering the episodes from the library. I don't know why I never watched these before. I have always loved B movies. Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Killer Shrews, Empire of the Ants...so many good ones. But until I started watching MST3K I had no idea just HOW MANY bad movies there actually are. Wow. So far my favorite MST3K episodes include The Pod People, The Screaming Skull, Teenagers from Outer Space, The Horrors of Spider Island, and The Violent Years. As much as I miss working out (never thought I would be able to say that and mean it!), I can't of any better way to spend my time than watching horribly bad but entertaining films. :)

However, I must say that I am so glad this month is coming to an end. It's been such a blur. I've spent the entire month struggling with my health, taking meds, visiting doctors...I'm over it. Hopefully September will turn out to be a much better month.

It's Official!

Left for lunch yesterday and when I came home, this was waiting for me on my porch:

And on the inside...

So, although I may be struggling with my health, there was definitely a bright spot in my day!

I also manged some wimpy push ups without getting light headed so I do feel like I'm on the mend. I was supposed to attend a yoga class tomorrow specifically for martial artists, but I'm not so sure I'll make it. It's a 2 hour class and I'm not sure if I am ready to jump into anything like that just yet. I still feel a little light headed at times and don't want to push myself too much especially since I am hoping to attend the Renaissance Festival on Labor Day.

Very excited about Chicken Soup for the Soul though! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Waiting Game

Saw the ear specialist on Saturday morning. I was told that everything seems to be fine with my ears. He did the Epley Maneuver which is used on people with vertigo. Not sure if it did anything or not. I now need to get an MRI done to check my head and ears. Not going to lie...I gad a complete meltdown in the parking lot afterward...and on the drive home...and after I finally made it home. Every bad condition I could think of entered my mind. It's scary when you know you have a problem but nobody seems to be able to tell you what it is. You start feeling like you're going crazy. I just want answers and all I'm getting is "you look fine." I haven't had any medical problems my whole life so needless to say I was unaware of how much of a waiting game the healthcare field is. You feel like you're just getting passed of from one person to the next, and now I have to wait for insurance to agree to cover the MRI before I get that done.

However, there is a bright side!

Friday, August 22, 2014

I've never been a good student...

...mainly because I stink at taking tests. And I think that I've been getting tested lately...not sure for what or why, but I have definitely had more downs than ups lately.

It began about two weeks ago when I started having dizzy spells. I expected them to go away, thinking it was jut an inner ear problem. One day I went for a run and felt great. Then I came home and tried to pick up something off the floor and was hit hard with a pretty bad dizzy spell. After a couple of days I took myself to MedExpress where they gave me an EKG and ruled out a heart issue. So, they gave my meds for vertigo. Right before this all started I had made an appointment with a PCP because I hadn't been to one in nearly 20 years (that is what happen when you are uninsured), but that appointment was still a week and a half away. The drugs they gave me seriously wiped me out so I only took them at night. I could still work and drive. I actually drove into the office last week for our summer party and took part in a water balloon toss and playing corn hole, all with no problem. I just can't bend over or make sudden, fast movements with my head, so that has meant no MMA, no PiYo, no gym workouts. I can run but the drug they gave me made me so loopy I have barely had any energy for that.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

When jealousy rears its ugly head

I recently read a study that said you will lose 1 friend for every 7 pounds you lose. I'm not sure how scientific that study is, but I do know from personal experience that when you begin making positive changes in your life, not everyone is going to appreciate it.

I try to shy away from the "you're just jealous" card every time someone disagrees with me or doesn't support me the way I wish they would. It's not fair to accuse someone of being jealous simply because they have a different opinion.

However, there are times that other people, including family and friends, will start treating you different once you start changing for the better whether it's with your health, job, finances, relationships, etc. In many of these situations I do think it stems from insecurity and jealousy.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Things non-runners just don't understand

Ever since I began my fitness journey about two years ago, I have discovered that there are some major differences between runners and non-runners. I had no idea when I started on this journey that I would be facing some rather confusing looks and negative comments. I don't think non-runners or non-fitness people are always trying to be so negative. I think much of this just stems from ignorance and not really understanding "our kind" - after all, we are a wacky, crazy bunch. :)

Here are just some examples of things I have discovered that totally confuse non-runners.

"You pay to run?"

I've been doing mud runs and 5Ks for 2 years. I recently told a friend, who I have known the whole time, that I am being more choosey about what runs I do because it can be expensive. She replied, "You have to pay to do those?" Apparently she thought I've been doing these for free. Don't I wish!

The GPS watch

Mention your GPS watch and non-running friends look at you with confusion. They probably think it's like a GPS for your car, that you use to not get lost.

Monday, July 7, 2014

I Am An Athlete

I have made a decision.

I'm not just a runner.

I'm a freakin ATHLETE.

There, I said it.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

5k update!

Well, it's been a couple weeks since I ran my 5K. Lots of stuff going on so I haven't had much time to update about it.

All in all I had a really great time. I was up at 4am and picked up a friend and his mom around 5am. He was doing the half marathon while I ran the 5K. We got there, probably around 6am or so and got a great parking spot. That's one of the perks of arriving to these things early. :)

Running on pavement wasn't as bad as I thought it would be I think my body adjusted to it after a while. This was also my first time running with my iPod and I must say, 5Ks are a lot more fun for me when I have my music on. :)

I didn't run the whole thing but I came close. I finished in about 40 minutes which is actually 5 minutes better than when I am at the trail. My pace even improved! The weather was absolutely perfect and beautiful. It wasn't the 80 degrees it was supposed to be nor was it too humid. The 5K was held at a beautiful park so I had plenty of scenery to enjoy during my run.

Running a 5K is definitely much harder than a mud run. When I do obstacle courses, sometimes I'll run between obstacles but I usually just walk/hike. Then when you get to an obstacle, there's usually a wait line and you have time to take a breather. During a 5k it's all about running. And that is something I stink at right now.

However, I have registered for a Running 101 training group that begins next week. Maybe if I am training with other runners, it will push me more. The group is supposed to be working towards the goal of running the Pittsburgh Great Race 5k in September so I already registered for that because it sells out quickly. I have the Police Officers Down 5k in August, about 5 weeks after I begin training with this group so by then I hope to see how the training is paying off.

Friday, June 20, 2014


According to the weatherman, Sunday is supposed to be 82 degrees BUT the good news is that in the morning it's supposed to be in the 70s. Thank goodness. I really don't want to run in 80 degree heat and humidity. I'll be getting up at about 4am that morning and picking up a friend who will be doing the half marathon. I do believe this is the earliest I have ever gotten up for an event and I am NOT a morning person. It will be worth it though. :)

Took a day off from training and went to see Jersey Boys today...what an AMAZING movie. I am definitely seeing that one again. Clint Eastwood did a fabulous job and I really want to go buy a Four Seasons album (and I do mean an actual album...yes, I have a record player). The theater was packed and everyone cheered at the end. There were moments were I felt like I was at a concert and the ending made me feel like  I was watching the Broadway show. Go see it if you get the chance!

Tomorrow I go to the YMCA for a wellness consultation. I signed up for a program where you meet for a consultation, then participate in 3 group classes, and then you get a free personal training session as well as half-off on the next month's membership fee. I am already planning to try their Insanity and Kettlebell classes. Speaking of classes, an MMA clothing store opened up near me about 3 months ago and they're now offering MMA cardio and PiYo classes back to back on Wednesday nights...so guess where I'll be this Wednesday?

Oh yes! I forgot the really really good news...last year I wrote a story and submitted it to Chicken Soup for the Soul. It was all about how I discovered mud runs and how that kickstarted my journey to being a healthier me. Well, I found out TODAY that it has been accepted and will be in the upcoming book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Reboot Your Life, due out September 2016. I will get $200 and 10 copies of the book. I really want to start writing again and this gave me a bit of a boost today!

Signing off...gotta get up early tomorrow for my wellness consultation (I'm not even sure what this will consist of!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5K here I come!

My next event is this Sunday: The Peace, Love, and Run 5K. This is starting to get serious now. :)

I've done some Color Runs before, but mostly walked them all and over a year ago I did a 5K at a local church but that didn't go as planned because it was a very hilly course and I hadn't trained at all. For the past month or so I have finally become consistent with my training, even if it means getting on my treadmill because I can't make it to the trail. I have also become consistent with strength training to help build up some endurance as well as tone up and build some strength. So, this weekend is going to be the first time ever that I am going to attempt to actually run a whole 5K.

I'm still doing the running/walking thing but I am finding that as long as I start out slow and pace myself, I can keep running for a pretty good deal of time. I'm not sure what to expect this weekend. I am not looking forward to running on pavement.

I'm also on Day 2 of a new 40-day meal plan. No gluten or sugars allowed but a lot of protein, veggies and healthy fats/carbs. I'm amazed at how full I am throughout the day. I miss chocolate but keep reminding myself this is only for 40 days. I took a before picture yesterday and can't wait to see what happens at the end of the 40 days.

Two things have really helped with my training: music and God's Word. :) I am working on memorizing some scriptures that I can meditate on when I'm training or running in an event and want to give up. Here are a few of them:

Friday, June 13, 2014

So long, good buddy!

Some friends are friends forever. And sometimes, friends part ways. I've decided that, at least for the time being, I need to let go of a friend that has been by my side through thick and think (mostly thick) for as long as I can remember:

Over time I've discovered that the scale can easily become an obsession. I call it a, "scale addiction." You mean to get on it once a week, but you find yourself drawn to it every single day. You think to yourself, "I feel lighter today" only to step on the scale and discover you've gained 3 pounds. Sometimes you find yourself getting on it more than once a day and what you see on the scale can determine how you feel the rest of the day. Lost a pound? "Heck yeah baby!" Gained a pound? "My life is over."

This happened to me recently, when I spent a week eating right and working out every day. I wound up gaining 3 pounds. It didn't depress me like it would have a year ago. But it was aggravating and made me wonder why the heck I ever stepped on that thing.

The funny thing is, the scale doesn't really give you a good idea as to where you are health wise. If you're doing any sort of strength training (as I do), then you're building muscle and therefore the scale is going to reflect that. Muscle weighs more than fat so the numbers on the scale is going to go up, not down. I'm not sure about men, but I do know that as a woman, varying factors will cause my weight to fluctuate constantly.

Besides that, skinny does not equal healthy or in shape. While I celebrate the pounds I've lost and would like to lose a few more, I need to understand that my scale is not going to give me any clear indication of where I am especially if I'm lifting weights.

So, I am putting my scale away. I'm not throwing it out completely...at least not yet. But if I hide it somewhere, I know I'll forget about it and hopefully I will be able to take a step back from being consumed by what the numbers say.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Back to the beginning

Like a lot of the female population, I’ve struggled with issues of insecurity ever since I can remember, and I’ve always obsessed about my weight. In my teens I was obsessed with working out and even tried laxatives and SlimFast to lose weight. Funny thing is, I wasn’t fat. Nowhere near it. In fact, I look back at my old high school pictures and I wish I was that weight now. I was actually pretty slim throughout most of my life, until I went away to college.