Ever since I began my fitness journey about two years ago, I have discovered that there are some major differences between runners and non-runners. I had no idea when I started on this journey that I would be facing some rather confusing looks and negative comments. I don't think non-runners or non-fitness people are always trying to be so negative. I think much of this just stems from ignorance and not really understanding "our kind" - after all, we are a wacky, crazy bunch. :)
Here are just some examples of things I have discovered that totally confuse non-runners.
"You pay to
I've been doing mud runs and 5Ks for 2 years. I recently
told a friend, who I have known the whole time, that I am being more choosey
about what runs I do because it can be expensive. She replied, "You have
to pay to do those?" Apparently she thought I've been doing these for
free. Don't I wish!
The GPS watch
Mention your GPS watch and non-running friends look at you
with confusion. They probably think it's like a GPS for your car, that you use
to not get lost.
The "need"
for running shoes
And if you run, it is definitely a "need", not
just a "want."
Non-runner friends will tell you that you don't need running
shoes or even new shoes to run. They think you can just put on the ones you
have been wearing everyday for years and you'll be fine. I was one of those
people. I remember when I started running and I was convinced that the whole
"get a good pair of shoes" was some sort of marketing ploy by the
shoe companies to get your money. I know differently now.
I got fitted for new shoes and discovered two things. 1)
I've been wearing shoes all these years that were a half a size too big. And 2)
I over-pronate especially in my right foot, meaning that my foot tends to roll
inward when I walk or run. I used to twist my ankle so easily, even when I was
just walking across the street. For years I just thought I had bad ankles. I
wound up getting running shoes in the correct size and that supported my feet
and gave me more stability to help the over-pronation. What a godsend! These
shoes have made such a big difference. I know I should only use them while
running, but I also use them for everyday activities, just because they're so
much more comfortable than what I was wearing.
I once had a friend roll her eyes at me for buying new shoes
just to run. She said I would be perfectly fine in $20 shoes from KMART. Yeah,
sounds like something a non-runner would say. I don't believe you need to break
the bank on a new pair of shoes, but I highly suggest getting fitted to make
sure you are wearing the right size and don't have any issues like
over-pronation. Then you can shop around or check out a site called The Clymb,
where you can purchase name brand sports shoes for up to 70 percent off retail
price. I got $120 trail running shoes for $60.
The need to hydrate
I'm not even sure why or how this is even an issue. I shared
with a friend that I was trying to drink more water. She told me this was
unnecessary because there is enough water in the food you eat. Um….okay.
Not sure where they heard/read that at, but when it comes to
athletes and anyone who has an active lifestyle, you must hydrate, hydrate,
hydrate! Maybe when it comes to the average Joe who isn't active, then sure,
maybe they don't need to hydrate as much. But I know my body. I know what happens
when I go to MMA or take a run on the trail without hydrating beforehand and
during, especially during the heat and humidity of summer, and it ain't pretty.
Trust me!
"How can you go
running while it's raining?"
Simple. Lace up and go. :)
I did a 3 hour mud run in a non-stop torrential downpour.
Unless you're the Wicked Witch, rain isn't going to kill you. Even when it's just
sprinkling, some of my friends react with surprise that I went for a run. I
love running in the rain, as long as it's not cold or lightning. It amuses me
to have conversations like this:
FRIEND: "Aw, guess you won't be able to run
ME: "Why not?"
FRIEND: "Because it's raining."
None-runners. Gotta love 'em. :)
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