Saturday, October 4, 2014

Couch to 5K

I have successfully completed week 1 day 1 of the Couch to 5K program. It was fairly easy, all things considering. One day I was feeling light headed but didn't want to have vertigo rule my life anymore so I decided to "suck it up" and get on my treadmill during my lunch break (a perk of working from home!) I actually felt much better afterward.

I could easily feel down about myself that I am having to start running all over again with Couch to 5K, but I won't. I'm just thankful that I am at least well enough to be able to get active again, even if I'm taking baby steps. Some people can't run. Some people don't have the mobility I do. Some people have much more serious health problems than what I've been dealing with, so I choose to be thankful that I can even walk let alone run.

In my last post I mentioned running a relay in the Pittsburgh Marathon. Well, not sure that is happening now. We already lost our hill runner because of personal issues and now our team captain is thinking of running the half himself. Then I started thinking...what if I were to attempt the half? This coming from someone who can't even run an entire 5k yet. I haven't registered yet and won't for a while, because I want to mull this over. I do want to attempt some longer distances in 2015. There is a 7.5 mile trail run I might attempt next June. I chickened out of it this year. I gave my friend the excuse that I had a 5K the next morning which is a pretty lame excuse considering I previously did an obstacle course on a Saturday and then a 5k color run the next morning. :)

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